Work in progress and a small thing to do!
(português) (Nederlands)
Dear reader,
I'm going to bother you one more time with some technical information about my switch at the end of this year from my website and to Substack.
Such a switch involves a lot of work for me and a bit for you, the reader.
When I do everything right and you also do what I ask, we don't have to lose sight of each other. So in case you want to keep following me, read on.
My first setup at Substack was a substack in three languages and that turned out to be not ideal because when a story is posted in three languages, you receive three emails. So that had to change. After much puzzling, reading and learning, I now have three Substacks:
So you can subscribe to the Substack in your preferred language.
If you are already registered and your preferred language is English, everything can stay as it is.
If you would like to follow the Dutch or Portuguese Substack, unsubscribe from the English one and register for the other language.
That's all. It takes some thought and then you don't have to think about it.
The websites will close in two months. All my followers there, might get a personal email from me with this information just to be on the safe side.
For the record, I am no longer connected to social media. None at all. I prefer to keep in touch via email or whatsapp or in person.
Thank you very much!