Why subscribe?

(Translation English and português please scroll)

Het lezen van mijn lange en korte overpeinzingen of avonturen maken meestal iets los bij de ander. Soms is het een nieuw inzicht in de manier waarop je leeft of krijg je meer ruimte in je hoofd. Wat het ook moge zijn, we zijn allemaal op weg ons meer bewust te worden van wie we werkelijk zijn, zodat we op een dag zonder al te veel ongemak uit de maatschappelijke poppenkast kunnen stappen. 

Stay up-to-date

Een goede reden om je te abonneren is dat je nooit een nieuwe bijdrage meer hoeft te missen. Ik ben bezig al mijn schrijfwerk te concentreren op deze plek. Over een paar maanden (oktober 2023) zal mijn oude website www.liesbethsteur.com niet meer in de lucht zijn. 

Join the crew

En wanneer je uit de poppenkast bent gestapt, zit je hier goed gezelschap. Een gezelschap van mensen die net zo denken als jij en jouw interesses delen. 


Why subscribe?

Reading my long and short musings or adventures usually trigger something in the other person. Sometimes it is a new insight into the way you live or you get more space in your head. Whatever it may be, we are all on our way to becoming more aware of who we really are, so that one day we can step out of the societal charade without too much discomfort. 

Stay up-to-date

A good reason to subscribe is that you never have to miss a new contribution. I am concentrating all my writing on this place. In a few months (October 2023), my old website www.liesbethsteur.com will no longer be up and running. 

Join the crew

And when you have stepped out of the puppet show, here you are in good company. A company of people who think like you and share your interests.


Porquê subscrever?
Ler as minhas reflexões ou aventuras, longas ou curtas, normalmente despoleta algo na outra pessoa. Por vezes, é uma nova visão sobre a forma como vivemos ou ganhamos mais espaço na nossa cabeça. Seja o que for, estamos todos a caminho de nos tornarmos mais conscientes de quem realmente somos, para que um dia possamos sair da charada da sociedade sem grande desconforto. 

Manter-se atualizado
Uma boa razão para subscrever é o facto de nunca ter de perder uma nova contribuição. Estou a concentrar toda a minha escrita neste sítio. Dentro de alguns meses (outubro de 2023), o meu antigo sítio Web www.liesbethsteur.com deixará de estar em funcionamento. 

Junte-se à equipa
E quando tiver saído do espetáculo de marionetas, aqui está em boa companhia. Uma companhia de pessoas que pensam como você e partilham os seus interesses.

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Liesbeth Steur - English

In the infinite space of Alto Alentejo, I became aware of the truth, of the world we live in and of myself. That's why Portugal is my great love.


In the infinite space of Alto Alentejo, I became aware of the truth, of the world we live in and of myself. That's why Portugal is my great love.